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Emsella near Lakeville, MN

Retrain Your Pelvic Floor and Eliminate Leaks With Emsella

May 6, 2024

A woman takes advantage of Med Spa Services in Elko New Market

Up to a third of men and women struggle with urinary incontinence—a loss of bladder control—at some point. The battle looks different for everyone, from waking up throughout the night and rushing to the bathroom to leaking when you laugh or sneeze. No matter the case, urinary incontinence (UI) can take a toll on your day-to-day, from your professional life to your relationships. 

At Triage Wellness Institute, we don’t settle for just “dealing with it.” We’re offering our patients a new, long-lasting solution through comfortable treatments, where you don’t have to remove your clothes. Here’s how we can help you live life to the fullest again with Emsella near Lakeville, MN. 

Strengthening Your Pelvic Floor 

To understand how to treat urinary incontinence, we have to first understand what causes it. 

You may experience some short-lived UI symptoms if you’re currently fighting a urinary tract infection (UTI) or other form of irritation, but if you’ve been struggling with leaks for a while, it’s because your muscles are deteriorating. This deterioration, known as muscle atrophy, is a completely normal response to aging, childbirth, and other significant life events. That being said, urinary incontinence is 100% treatable.

How Emsella Does It for You

Studies found that at least half of those who struggle with UI don’t seek treatment, and we’re here to change that. You’ve probably heard of Kegels, which are an at-home exercise that tones your pelvic muscles. While the idea of Kegels is great, it can be difficult to engage the right muscles, so most people don’t perform them correctly or see any changes. 

That’s where Emsella comes in! This revolutionary device comes in the form of a high-tech chair, which sends high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) waves directly to your pelvic floor. This energy painlessly triggers thousands of muscle contractions in just 30 minutes—offering more precise toning that you can’t achieve on your own! Plus, toning these muscles enlarges them and heightens sensitivity, enhancing sexual pleasure for men and women.

The best part is that you don’t have to worry about the treatment being uncomfortable, as there’s no wand device. You can simply keep your clothes on, sit back, and relax (even listen to music) while you receive Emsella near Lakeville. 

Ready to Reclaim Control?

At Triage Wellness Institute, we’re rewriting patients’ stories. Whether you’re interested in Emsella near Lakeville, MN, or want to explore our other innovative solutions, like body contouring near Lakeville, we’re here to help!

Our approach is comprehensive, meaning we’re dedicated to addressing all of your concerns—from aesthetics to wellness. Contact us today to learn more or schedule your appointment

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